Poll Claiming Nashville Wants Public Transit Admits Oversampling Black, Hispanic Citizens for ‘Greater Insight’

Nashville Buses

A poll touted by Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell on Wednesday, which claims the majority of the city’s residents want greater investments into public transits, admittedly over-sampled black and Hispanic citizens in a bid to achieve “greater insight” into the city’s mood.

The Imagine Nashville survey claimed that 74 percent of Nashville residents strongly agree with the city spending additional money on public transportation. The pollsters further claimed that 33 percent of respondents cited a lack of public transportation as an issue the city needs to improve.

Responding to the survey on social media, O’Connell highlighted the result purportedly showing Nashvillians want greater investment into public transit.

Though pollsters said the survey had more than 10,000 respondents, in their methodology, they reveal, “a portion of the interviews were conducted by means of rigorous scientific research methodologies which allow more accurate and precise statistical representation of the city and its people” and that the information “reported in this news release come from this portion of the survey” which is scientific.

According to the pollsters, that portion of the survey involved interviews with a random sampling of 1,150 citizens who are 18 or older.

Despite the selections to match U.S. Census data about Nashville, the pollsters admit “an oversample of Black/African-American and Hispanic/Latino was included” to “lend greater insight and accuracy.”

Pollsters further claim that, for a “hypothetical case of a probability sample size” matching that of the survey they conducted, a margin of error would be plus or minus 3 percent.

O’Connell announced in February a November transportation referendum, but at the time offered few details for voters hoping to make a decision, aside from a promise to improve “sidewalks, signals service, and safety” as a result of the referendum.

Though few details are known to the public, it was previously reported that a half-cent sales tax may be necessary to fund O’Connell’s transit plans.

In one of his first acts after entering office, O’Connell signed an executive order calling for “car-free streets” and allocating the best use of roads based on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) principles.

O’Connell’s executive order directs Nashville to consider “pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and drivers” alike when considering the city’s road network and further promised the city will equitably serve “disenfranchised populations and communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in planning and decision-making processes,” with special attention to “low-income individuals, people of color, older adults, children, youth, people with disabilities, and people living in households without access to a private automobile.”

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Georgia Star News, The Virginia Star, and the Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Nashville Buses” by Jarrett Stewart. CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.





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7 Thoughts to “Poll Claiming Nashville Wants Public Transit Admits Oversampling Black, Hispanic Citizens for ‘Greater Insight’”

  1. Randall Davidson

    oversampling blacks and hispanics……Nashville needs better leaders than this.

  2. Tim Price

    Wait but the people of Nashville voted this huckster into office!

    So Nashville you are getting what you asked for!

    What a joke!

    Sure glad I don’t live now b Nashville!

  3. Karen Bracken

    I would not believe a dang word or poll that comes from the globalist commie running Nashville. People need to wake up to the fact they want to stifle mobility and eventually you will be a prisoner in your 15 Minute Prison/Gulag/Ghetto/Reservation

  4. David

    Mass Transit is a Money Pit. Even the little train from Downtown Nashville to Lebanon loses over $1 million a year ans Guess What > TN gives then $1 million a year!!! Stop it TN – be smart.

  5. Unfortunately, EVERYTHING you read today is either an outright lie or heavily skewed to reach a desired result. The only difference between this new administration and the last one of Mayor McCheese, is a bit more of the creepy factor.

    So Mayor Freddie, ban cars from downtown and build a mobile homeless transport system to BNA, and watch tax revenues plummet and businesses either closing or moving. Hipsters taking Uber can only support the tax base for so long. Those that need not be in the city, will stay out fo the city.

  6. David Longfellow

    Racism, straight up. Democrats don’t even try to hide it anymore.


    Typical liberal ploy. If the issue will not stand on it’s own, then just rig the sample to suit your needs.
